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Q: Where does the movie green street hooligans take place?
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How do they levitation of the rocks in wizards of Waverly place the movie?

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In classic Monopoly what color represents the most expensive street names?

Blue for Boardwalk and Park Place.

Where is Green Bow Alabama?

Green Bow Alabama is a fictional place derived from the movie Forrest Gump.

What is the most ghetto movie ever?

Friday, Deffinatly what makes it the most ghetto movie ever is that it takes place in the hood and their is an brutal street fight at the end of the film

Is the green word a noun?

Yes, the word 'green' is a noun, an adjective, and a verb.The noun 'green' is a word for a color; a word for an area of mown grass; a word for a thing.Examples:Noun: The village green is a place covered in grass that is shared by villagers.Adjective: He was wearing a green shirt.Verb: The city has budgeted to green the medians on Main Street.

On what street did a Santa Claus mirale occur?

The miracle took place on 34th Street. The Miracle on 34th Street is a 1947 movie, now a Christmas classic. In it, Santa teaches a little girl, Susie, and her mother to believe in miracles and imagination.

Is green's a proper noun?

The noun Green is a proper noun, the name of a person such as Mean Joe Green, former NFL player, the name of a place, Bowling Green Kentucky, or the name of a thing, the 1999 movie "The Green Mile".The noun green is a common noun for the color green, a grassy area, etc.

IS Green a proper noun?

The noun Green is a proper noun, the name of a person such as Mean Joe Green, former NFL player, the name of a place, Bowling Green Kentucky, or the name of a thing, the 1999 movie "The Green Mile".The noun green is a common noun for the color green, a grassy area, etc.

What are some street names that start with C?

Camden Street Canal Road Cannon Place Caroline Place Castle Street Clerestory Road Crescent Place

What are some street names on Staten Island that start with letter b?

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