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This would be a Run Batted In... better known as an RBI.

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Q: The credit a batter receives for a turn at bat that enables a teammate to score a run?
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First batter gets on via error question if the next player up knocks him in does this batter get credit for an RBI and does the first guy get credit for the run scored?

Yes they get the credit

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Bond credit rating is used to assess the credit worthiness of a corporation or government's debt issues. A bond credit rating is similar to a credit rating that an individual person receives.

Does a fielder's error go down as a hit officially?

No. If a player reaches base due to a fielder's error, the batter does not receive credit for a hit, but does get credit for an at-bat. Therefore, the batter's average will descend, but the batter's on-base percentage will increase.

Format of cenvat credit register?

It contains information viable for credit collection. This information, enables all service providers to collect credit on any tax payable to the service offered.

How can one use an Experian Credit manager?

The Experian Credit Manager is offered by the Experian company. This enables someone to check and monitor their credit score in case of any difficulties or fraud.

What are personal accounts based on?

The person that receives is the the Debit account. The giver is the credit account.

Where would one view their credit mortgage?

The credit mortgage is what the tax payer receives from the government so that they can get a tax credit from the recent tax season. They will receive a part of the mortgage interest.

What does the iPay system enable consumers to do?

The 'iPay' system enables consumers to pay for purchases on iTunes using on-line credit. This makes the system similar to using a credit card, however you can only use this credit on iTunes.

Who can apply for merchant credit cards?

To apply for a merchant credit card you must be a merchant. You can apply online as long as you comply with all the rules. Becoming a merchant enables you to process credit cards online with a merchant discount.

What is the importance of credit in your economy?

Credit enables the individuals and firms to purchase the important inputs for the production. Generally one businessman has not sufficient amount for the business. So credit is very useful for the business.