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Q: The ball may be thrown in any dirction with one or both hands?
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What moves faster a ball thrown down or a ball falling down?

A ball thrown down. The thrown ball will have a greater initial velocity and since they experience the same force of gravity, it will always be faster (until they both reach terminal velocity).

What is it called when both basketball teams have their hands on the ball?

Jump ball

When is the only time a goalie can hold a soccer ball above his or her head with both hands?

You can hold the ball above your head at any time in the match with both hands.

What does overhead pass mean?

An overhead pass is a pass thrown overhead. This is done by grabbing the ball with both hands and bringing it behind your head. After that, just chuck the ball forwards. That is an overhead pass.

When a screwdriver is used to open a can both the size and dirction of the what change?

Both the size and derection are changed

Can you jump and land on both feet then pass the ball?

If you have the ball in your hands to start with then no, that is called a travel

What is that throw-in called in soccer when you do a flip?

It is still called a throw-in. The rule says that both feet must be on the ground, the ball must be thrown in with both hands and the player should be outside of the field (outside the throw in line). As long as you comply with these requirements you are free to do as you may.

Should you run with a rugby ball in one hand in open play?

If you want to prevent another player stealing the ball you should run with the ball in both hands. If you run with the ball in one hand it lets the oppostion know that you do not intend to pass it so it is better having the ball in both hands.

How do you describe a double dribble?

basically you eitherdribble with both hands twiceyou touch the ball with both hands twice and continue to dribble

If the goalie touches the ball can the team on offense kick it?

Not if the goalie has a hold of the ball with both hands. Otherwise yes.

What are the illegal use of hands in basketball?

The using of one or both hands to intentionally interfere with the progression of the ball handler. Done to slow down or break the rhythm of the player in possession of the ball.

What are the three types of throw ins in soccer?

the ball must be completely behind your head, the ball cannot me thrown backwards (only forwards or dialogonal) , your feet must not lift the ground or cross the line (although you can drag your toe)