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Well, that's a little harder to answer than one might think. It depends on what gifts you have as an athlete, what pitch you want to throw and who you are going to throw it to. No pitcher has only one arm angle or arm slot to throw the ball. Without boring you with pitching jargon you can go over the top, like a knuckleballer, three-quarters like most pitchers, side armed and even go as far as a submariner where the pitcher actually delivers the ball on an upward angle after dipping his arm and shoulder past parallel to his side. I've even seen some submariners hit the ground with their hands trying to gain an advantage with this odd angle. If you can't throw the ball very hard, learn the knuckleball. If you have some speed but not a whole lot, try sidearm. If you have pin point control and can put the ball anywhere you want then go with the three- quarters arm slot. Many left handed specialists drop their arm angle down while pitching to left handed hitters while they throw more upright to right handed hitters. The pitcher will also move from one end of the rubber to the other to gain any advantage over a right or left handed hitter. A fastball and a changeup must look the same coming out of the pitcher's hand or they don't fool the hitter so the standard arm slot for any pitcher is used for both of those types of pitches. The curveball, screwball, slider will normally make the arm slip down in the slot a little. If you are a shortstop, you must be able to throw the ball from any angle. Other fielders usually throw three-quarters except for the catcher who throws straight over the top and right from the ear.

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You throw a football like you would a Baseball.

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it would probably be somewhere near 90 degrease

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90 degrees.

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Q: The angle your arm should be when you throw a football?
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360 degrees

What 2 motions do you use when you throw a football?

When throwing a football, you primarily use the motion of your arm and your wrist. Your arm generates the power and direction of the throw, while your wrist provides the additional control and spin on the ball.

Does gear affect a football throw?

the gear that affects a football throw would be the shoulder pads because when you throw a ball your shoulder will rotate and when your shoulder pads are there then it interferes with your arm and shoulder

Can you throw a football without your pinky?

obviously if u dont have limp arm u can throw any ball

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The arm is usually positioned at a 45 degree angle.

What parts of the body is used to throw a football?

Arm, core muscles, and Legs.

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You throw salt on your left shoulder.

If a player is swinging his arm to throw it and the ball is hit is it a fumble in football?

No, as long as the arm was moving forward when the ball came loose.

Angle of needle for blood draw?

The needle should form a 15 to 30 degree angle with the surface of the arm.

Who has the stronger arm Aaron Rodgers or Brian Brohm?

its aaron rodgers, but brohm can throw a football 57 mph, that's really fast.

How can you throw a football further?

To throw a football, hold the football in your hand with the laces under your fingertips. Then pull your arm back, to your head or past it. Bring your arm forward in a slightly curved outward motion, overhand. As you release the ball, close your hand, bringing your fingers inward (as if making a fist), pulling down on the laces to impart a spiral spin to the ball. On a hard throw, twist your upper body to the side away from that arm, to add power, and your arm should curve back in front of your body. On a softer throw, it will move forward, and then downward as the elbow straightens. Practice your throwing motion until you can consistently hit a standard bed pillow placed 40 feet (10 m) away, or until you can put the ball into a moving player's hands at that distance or less.