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The St. Louis Cardinals were established in 1882.

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Q: St. Louis Cardinals when did they become a team?
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When did the browns become the cardinals?

Do you mean the St Louis baseball team? The baseball team St Louis Browns moved to Baltimore in 1954 and became the Orioles. They never became the Cardinals - The St Louis Cardinals always existed as a National league team since 1900

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The St. Louis Cardinals's 2014 team salary is $107502360, 14th in the MLB.

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What sport are the St. Louis Cardinals involved in?

The St. Louis Cardinals are a Major League baseball team.

Is the baseball team Cardinals from St. Louis?

Yes, St. Louis Missouri.

Where did the baseball team cardinals name come from?

st. Louis cardinals

What is the baseball home team for Saint Louis?

The St Louis Cardinals

What team names did the St. Louis Cardinals have before becoming the Cardinals and what years?

The St. Louis Cardinals team names:Brown Stockings (1882)Browns (1883-1898)Perfectos (1899)Cardinals (1900-present)

Are the St. Louis Cardinals a baseball team in West Virgina?

No. The Cards are in St. Louis, Missouri.

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What state are the St. Louis Cardnials from?

The St. Louis Cardinals, a baseball team, are at home in Missouri.