Nearly any spyder model will shoot the same as as the Bt omega. However it has a less durable design and will not look as "milsim" as the Omega was built for.
no pirahnas are lower quality knock offs than spyder, they are not too bad for starters but spyder is better if you have a choice
well it is r8 v10 spyder because it is better looking. its top speed 318 km/n but coupe is 315 which is alright , but i prepare the r8 v10 spyder . it has 5.2l v10 8700 rpm which produce 525 bhp.....R8 V10 SPYDER IS BETTER THAN R8 V10 COUPE
The Spyder pilot Acs is a Spyder pilot with an Anti-Chop System. It would be "better" than one without it because it is supposed to chop (when a ball is cut in half by the bolt before it has fully dropped) less paint.
While both of them are truly poor quality guns, The better one in this case would be the mongoose just because it has eyes, which will cut down on the amount of paint you will chop. I would recommend however that you look at the Azodin Kaos which is of much better general quality than sypder or diablo guns.
The spyder victor is a more reliable gun than the JT. You should also look into the Azodin Kaos.
It is a low quality, cheap starter marker. It shoots, and that's about it.
Azodin is, in general, able to make better quality and longer lasting markers than their Spyder counter-parts, because of their improved design. This particular model, the Blitz will perform the same, or probably better than the VS2 with slightly less cost.
In some cases yes, but they are not barrels made by Spyder. For instance Dye makes a barrel for spyder markers. So better be safe than sorry, look for a barrel that tells you it is designed for JT markers.
all paintball guns run on gas. some have electric triggers so they can shoot faster.
No compressed air would be better for accuracy as well as your gun. Its like co2 but at a higher pressure with cleaner air and no liquid that can damage your paintball marker.
It sounds like you need new detentes. They are a little ball that should be near the "breach" or near wear the hopper feeds balls into the bolt chamber
Better is a very general team, and you need to have specific models in mind to compare any.