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The answer depends on whether the question means racially or if pro teams should include men and women. Certainly, members of the same sex, regardless of race, should have the same opportunities to play on a team. Including men and women on the same team gets more complicated due to physical differences, both in anatomy and abilities. While some would say those differences should be ignored, others would say that they should be considered. Some might even argue that including both sexes on the same team would discriminate against one or the other sex because of physical differences, and others would argue that it is discriminatory not to give both sexes the exact same opportunities.

Personally, I'm a woman and if I were to be on any pro team, whether that is football, tennis, Baseball, or any other, I'd want to go up against other women simply because I believe that would be more equal. Of course, that's not saying that women are inferior to men, we're just different in ways that cannot be ignored (and not just anatomically).

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