Only available through Rawlings' Pro Dept.
It depends on the model you buy but all higher end models are leather.
On the Rawlings website, you can buy a "Rawlings ROLB Official League Baseball." Thus ROLB = Rawlings Official League Baseball
Easiest place is online. Check out reviews of the 2009 Rawlings baseball bats at
Most sporting goods stores such as Sports Authority and Dick's Sporting Goods sell glove maintenance kits for the major manufacturers such as Wilson and Rawlings. Wilson offers a complete glove repair kit which includes replacement laces and a lacing tool along with other items; Rawlings has a simple lace replacement kit with laces and the lacing tool. It is important to have the right kit for your glove so if your glove is made by a less common manufacturer, you might want to contact them directly or check their website for repair information.
Some models are made in Washington, MO, but most of their gloves are made in China. Most models that are made in the USA use imported material. Don't buy into all the hype, Rawling makes a nice glove but it's far from the best.
The Rawlings XFG series was produced in the 70s and 80s and is still a hot vintage item today. Any cloth print would have to be retained from Rawlings and could be pricey depending on the age (if they would even do it). If they do, they may only sell it if you send the glove to them to have it professionally sewn. If they sell it separately, look for a leatherworker nearby. As our world continues to progress, it gets harder and harder to find good old-fashioned cobbler shops. I would first suggest checking online to see if you can find a cobbler nearby, as they are very handy with leather (and usually cheaper than sending it back to the manufacturer). If not, you would have to find out what Rawlings charges, unless you know somebody who can do it. If you're looking to sell the glove, refurbishing may or may not add value, especially if any printed material needs to be replaced. It's sometimes better to leave vintage just the way it is.
check linedrive i m going to buy my -3 from there so check there.
There is no code to get you a glove. You have to trade or buy a glove.
Use some oil that you buy from a store it is usually called glove conditioner. Put it in the oven for it to work. After that toss a baseball a lot and tie the ball in the glove. dont [ut your glove in the oven the person who said to due that had absolutely know clue what they are talking about you can just put some oil or glove conditioner on it then wrap it with the ball in the pocket but i repeat DO NOT put your glove in the oven it wrecks it.
You can now buy a silver glove in Epic Wonders at Coral Canyons.