I have played Volley Ball for three years on varsity. When you serve this ball, it means that your team has possesion of the ball. you stand behind the service line and you wither do a over-hand or under-hand service. the ball goes over to the other team. they will then get a chance to pump the ball to the setter. and the setter will set the ball to one of the opposite hitters or back row attackers to get a point on the other team. . . . . . . . . . . hope this helped =)
Serving is the way the ball is put in play. There are three types of serving, underhand, overhand, and jump serving.
An underhand serve is used mostly by beginners. The server holds the ball in one hand and makes a fist with the other. The person then pulls their fist back and hits the ball out of their hand.
Overhand serving is trickier. The server throws the ball in the air with one hand and hits it with the other. This serve is all about technique.
Jump serving is much like overhand serving except when the ball is tossed the server jumps and then hits the ball. This serve is for more advanced players.
There you have it. Hope this helps!
When the person who is serving steps over or on the service line.
After the whistle is blown, the service gets 5 seconds in volleyball.
You stand behind the white line at the back of the court. This is known as the base line.
You use the same service line as any other age. It never changes officially.
There are only 3 officials in a volleyball game . The ref and 2 line judges . The judge has all the real power . The line judges only job is to determine whether a ball landed inside or outside the court and to alert the ref if a server steps over the service line .
A foot fault in volleyball occurs when the server steps on or over the service line while serving the ball. They can not enter the court in any way until the ball has been struck or served into the field of play.
There is no 10ft line in beach volleyball, but in indoor it is to ensure that the backrow players are attacking from behind it
The answer is out of line
Under arm service uper arm service parallel service
When the server either exceeds the time allotted after Referee #1 blows his service whistle or the server touches the boundary line with a foot at the moment of contact of their hand and the ball. The receiving team receives a point and service.
It depends what sport you are playing. I know that if you are playing volleyball you have to be behind the serving line which is close to the end line. In badminton you have to be behind the service line also which is usually closer to half court