On December 29, 1997, Dallas' Bubba Wells fouls out of a game in 3 minutes of play, the quickest DQ in NBA history.
Read more: Has anyone in NCAA or NBA history ever fouled out before halftime? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1770#ixzz1H509X5ZN
When you get 6 fouls in any nba game you foul-out of the game and that player who received the 6 fouls has to sit on the bench for the remainder of the game. If there are only 5 players who are able to play and everybody else is either injured, inactive or has fouled-out, then if another player gets fouled-out then there would be only 4 players able to play but under the nba rule book there always has to be 5 players on the court so that last player who is supposed to foul-out has to stay in the game but other than that yes, 6 fouls in a nba game is a foul-out
It means that player will often get a foul.
Using NBA rules a player is only allowed 6 fouls before being disqualified. In an event where a player receives their 6th foul on the court with all substitutes being disqualified, the player on the court remains in the game and is charged a personal and team foul.
In the NBA, you are allowed 6 fouls. After you get the sixth foul, you are out for the rest of the game.
Kobe Bryant
In the college game, a team has to forfeit the game when they are down to one eligible player--- unless the referee believes they could still win the game. In the NBA, teams must have five players on the court, and there is a rarely-used procedure where players can come back into the game if their team runs out of players. If a player comes back in after fouling out and gets another personal foul, his team is assessed a technical foul in addition to the personal foul.
In the game of baseball there is no rule as to the number. A player can continue to foul balls off for hours. One exception to this rule; A player is out if there are 2 strikes and he/she fouls an attempted bunt. Many recreational and competitive softball leagues state a hitter is out upon a foul ball on third strike. In basketball in American college and international competition, a player is disqualified when they pick up their fifth foul. In the NBA, a player is disqualified on the sixth foul.
you can have unlimited personal fouls. you cannot be fouled out of the game with an offensive foul, but still counts to your personal foul count.
In the NBA, one has to commit 6 fouls to be disqualified from the game, so they so-called 'foul out'. In college or high school basketball one can foul out with only 5 fouls though.
After a player commits his sixth personal foul of the contest, he's disqualified.