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Q: Player misses foul shot and does not hit rim Where is ball taken out?
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What does a pivot player has to do when a foul is been taken in handball?

a pivot player has to take the ball and pass it from where the foul has been taken place and then after passing the person can go back to it's place..

What is a offensiven foul in basketball?

When a player on the team with the ball commits a foul

What is a loose ball in basketball play?

A loose ball foul in the NBA (European rules may differ) is committed when NO player from either team has possession of the ball. It is NOT a foul committed on a player who does not have possession of the ball so long as some other player has possession. A loose ball foul is committed ONLY when NO player from either team has possession, which is evident from the name, "Loose ball." The concept is important because an offensive foul has different repercussions than a defensive foul, but a "loose ball foul" is neither a defensive or an offensive foul. If any other player other than the one fouled has the ball then the foul is either defensive or offensive.

If a fielder standing in foul territory touches a fly ball over fair territory it is a foul ball?

The location of the baseball decides if the ball is fair or foul. If the ball is in foul territory, the ball is foul regardless of the position of the player touching the ball. The same applies for balls in fair territory. This is opposite the ruling in football.

What is a foul out?

When the batter hits the ball into foul territory, and an opposing player catches it in foul territory on the fly.

Is it a shot attempt if you are called for a charging foul?

Sometimes. Refs call charging foul when a player on the other team sees you coming his way with the ball. That player has to plant his feet into the ground, and not move to make the other player foul. If the player (player with the ball) bumps the other player (the player without the ball) knocking him over, a charge will be called. But that player cannot move his feet, he has to take the contact. However if you step in front of the player with the ball and he knocks you over, it's a blocking foul which will be called on the player who stood in the way, the player without the ball.

What is the meaning of player control foul in basketball?

>A player control foul is what uninformed people call a charge. In reality, a charge is similar >to a blocking foul. Actually, a player control foul is any foul that is committed by a player who is control of the ball. This is in contrast to three other types of fouls: A team control foul is a foul that is committed by a player whose team has the ball but who is not the team member in control of the ball. A loose ball foul is committed when neither team is in control of the ball. There is no term for the usual foul committed when the other team has control of the ball. A charge is the "rulebook" term for a pushing foul. It can be committed as a player control foul, a team control foul, a loose ball foul, or a "defensive" foul. The official should signal a player control foul (of any type, charging, tripping, or otherwise) with one hand behind the head and the other arm extended outward. A defensive charging foul is signaled by the official using a pushing motion. The reason for the distinction between player control, team control, loose ball, and defensive fouls is that when a team is over the foul limit, free throws are awarded for some types of fouls but not others. (I believe you shoot for any foul except player control, but this may differ by organization - HS, NCAA, NBA, etc.)

Is a ball foul if touched by a player in fair ground while the ball is in foul ground before it passes third base?

yes. it is where the ball is, not where the fielder is.

Player attempts to catch a pop up and touches the ball in foul territory and it hits the ground in fair territory?

Once a batted ball is touched by a defensive player in foul territory, it is ruled a foul ball regardless if said batted ball returns to fair territory.

Is it a technical foul to touch the player that is inbounding the ball?


Is the ball fair or foul if it is a line drive and you are in fair territory but reach in foul territory to catch it and touch the ball?

Once the ball is past first or third base, the ONLY consideration is where the BALL is located -- fair or foul -- when it FIRST comes in contact with either the ground or a player. If the player is almost entirely in fair territory when he first grabs the ball, but the glove that touches the ball is in foul territory, then it's a foul ball. "If the ball touches a fielder in-flight, the judgment is made at where the ball was when it was touched, NOT from where it may land after a miss, or drop of the ball, by a fielder. The position of the fielder is irrelevant."

Is there a thing called rolling foul in baseball?

Yea. It usually happens if a player bunts the ball and the ball rolls foul after being bunted.