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Q: Need diagram of strike zone in girls fast pitch softball?
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What does fps stand for in softball?

First Pitch Strike percentage - or the percent of times their first pitch to a batter results in a strike.

Difference between walk and strike on the softball game?

In softball, the batter can be walked, strikeout, or they can get a hit. Walks are caused by the batter accumulating 4 balls. A ball is a pitch thrown outside of the strike zone. A strike is a pitch thrown inside the strike zone. A batter can get a strike by either swinging and missing the ball, or they can get a strike from not swinging at a strike within the strike zone.

How fast do girls pitch in softball fast pitch?

Usually about 60-75 mph.

What size is extended strike zone for slow underhand pitch softball?

under your waist

What is the differences between softball and basball?

In softball, the ball is bigger. Baseball pitchers pitch the ball overhand while softball pitchers pitch underhand. Baseball is more of a boys sport and softball is generally more for girls.

What are girls high school fast pitch softball baselines?

Each baseline is 60 feet in softball. i hope i answered that correctly. : ))

Can play in the field without a glove in high school girls fast pitch softball?


How did softball get its name?

The term softball came from the way they first played, when pitching underhand was a soft, slow pitch. So it was soft..ball. You may also here the terms slow pitch for younger girls these days and fast pitch for older girls.

Can you steal more than 1 base at a time in girls softball?

Yes, You can steal three bases in fast pitch softball. You can not steal first.

What is strike in softball?

Jeez, first of all, you need to catch up on reading that rules book of yours! A strike is a pitch thrown by the pitcher and hits the catcher's glove so that the catcher doesn't have to move her/his glove at all. Or if the pitch is in the "strike zone", the umpire may also call it a strike.

What are the zones called in softball?

Strike Zone The strike zone is from the knee to shoulder of the batting softball player. The strike zone also extends as wide as a normal swing. A strike is called if the ball passes through the strike zone and reaches the catcher. The softball umpire will also call a strike if a batter swings and misses at a pitch outside the strike zone. Three strikes result in a batter being called out by the softball umpire. A ball is called for all pitches that miss the strike zone. Four balls allow a batter to walk to first base uncontested. Outfield These 3 zones are short, middle, and long. In the outfield.

What is a description of the strike zones in softball-?

Well, in softball, the strike zone is the area over home plate between the batter's armpits and knees when they are in their natural stance. It's important for both pitchers and batters to understand this zone to have a fair and balanced game. Just remember, with practice and focus, you can learn to master the strike zone and improve your game with each pitch.