yes, if you are the batter you can get walked and then steal second you've touched 1st but if you round the base and then go back to first you are out. Technically you have committed to second so i would suggest getting into a run down.
Go to first base.
Yes you can get picked off if you're slow to get back to the base.
no, mitts are only allow on the field at first base and catchers positions.
Advancing on a passed ball does not count as a stolen base unless runner was already in the act of stealing the base, in that case it is a stolen base.
The kinetic energy of the softball at 3.30 m s the and a mass of 1.08 kilograms is 3.564 joules.
no i dont know about in baseball, but in fastpitch softball... the batter would be out
The perfect softball hit is when the batter is able to reach on base because of the hit. The perfect softball hit is also when you are able to advance the runner to the next base or have the runner get a score. Homerun
There are a lot of rules to softball but you said a few so I will name some of them. ONE:If there is a throw down to second base then the second basemen has to tag the runner and not simply touch the bag with her foot . TWO:If the ball is hit into a pop fyly ball and if the ball is caught and if there is a runner that ran to the next base then the runner has to tag back up on the bag that they came from before they can go to the next base. THREE:If the batter is batting in the box and the catcher is in the way of the batter and interfears with the hit then the batter gets to go to first base. There you go. Three rules about softball.
batter is out, runners do not advance
60 feet
60 feet.