Teams that don't have them: Angels, Yankees, Cubs, Dodgers.
Here are the teams & mascots of the top of my head...
Marlins: Billy the Marlin
White Sox: Southpaw
Sorry, that's all I can remember. will post if i remember more!
Click on the links under the 'Web Links' heading on this page to see mascots.
Some yes and some don't
All different sorts of sports teams have mascots, whether major or minor league. However, some sports do not such as tennis, baseball, rugby, soccer and many more.
The Trojans are the mascots for all of the University of Southern California (USC) college teams. Their colors are Red and Gold. USC puts a lot of effort into training their Trojans with their sports teams doing well in competitive play.
Yankees, Cubs, Angels and Dodgers...
The Rangers are in the MLB and the NHL (New York and Texas) The Giants are teams in the MLB and NFL The Cardinals are teams in the MLB and NFL
There are only 30 MLB teams in the MLB, but there are many places with a minor league park, but there are a few cities like Chicago and Los Angels that have two MLB teams. There are many cities without any teams.
some sports teams have mascots that are associated with American Indian stereotypes
Football,ect. teams use indian mascots
Out of 30 major league teams, only 3 have bird mascots, so this question is based on a false premise.
Indian logos and mascots are not showing insensitivity to American Indians, some warrior type actions may be misinterpreted, but teams having Indian names are not being disrespectful.
30 in MLB.