defender sticks are 6 ft. alot longer than attack or mid. if you play d at a level higher than 5 or 6 grade i recommend it. you need to get used to it
Lacrosse heads for defense tend to be wider and easier to catch with, offensive heads tend to be narrower so that the ball stays in when being hit and cradling more often. It also helps with shooting in some situations for offensive heads to be narrower.
no i play lacrosse and wear soccer cleats
firewall is very basic defender is a nice anti-spyware product, not the best but a nice one
Anglicans have the Queen of England as Defender of the Faith. They are also under the authority of the ArchBishop of Cantebury.
The x10 is the newer version of the xcalibur the x10 is 10% stiffer then the xcalibur.
Yes the boys head is thicker and has a much deeper pocket
The difference is that baseball cleats are heavier and most ive seen have metal. Lacrosse cleats are shorter, better, and lighter than baseball cleats. Lacrosse cleats are a mix between soccer and football cleats. And it feels o so right.
None violent is when you just said something to offend a person and violent is when you hurt or atttack to a person