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If you mean sport then it depends. I have had a cast sevral times from injuries, but it is very safe sport. You have to be careful but i every sport has it's dangers. It's no more dangerous then soccer, actually safer in some ways.

It is safe, although you have to be careful how you tip and set. You can break a finger.

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Q: Is volleyball a dangerous question
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Does the word wave have anything to do with volleyball?

No. I am an expert on Volleyball and baseball and have researched this question for you. The word wave is not related to the game of volleyball. I hope this answered your question :)

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i do not understand your question. but you ca serve the ball out in volleyball.

Is volleyball more dangerous than badminton?

Yes. Volleyball players tend to run into each other when going for the ball. With badmitton, that's not possible.

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Belly rings can be dangerous if they are caught on something and ripped from there place.

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In volleyball, volleyball is a soft ball. Same thing with softball. That's why people confuse softball with volleyball. Also, the guy who is answering your question sees girls playing volleyball when I hear the term "softball."

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When o_O? This question fails.

What does a volleyball do?

Volleyball is a ball that takes ver hard hits. This is a tough question. They do bounce and take very hard hittings.

Can you use volleyball shoes for basketball?

I think you answered your own question... Can you wear BASKETBALL shoes for VOLLEYBALL? -__- While your at it answer my question, can you wear boots when you go swimming? :P

Has a famous volleyball player gotten hurt?

In every sport it is possible for somebody to get hurt, so a famous player probably has gotten hurt before, but that doesn't neccesarily mean that volleyball is a dangerous sport!

Is volleyball or basketball more popular?

Volleyball and Basketball are even! They are both a fun sport and are watched!!! Another question u might want to ask is Is volleyball or soccer more popular well soccer is more popular and is watched more.

How do you do a rotational order in volleyball?

ur fat. i dont know. why are u asking me this question.