In every sport it is possible for somebody to get hurt, so a famous player probably has gotten hurt before, but that doesn't neccesarily mean that volleyball is a dangerous sport!
You can get hurt in both but indoor volleyball should be in wood, i mean, the floor, so if you fall you will hurt more than in the grass or sand.
a member of a team of any kind of sport that has gotten hurt while in the game.
Ever gotten a a cold?
you must of slept on where the bruse is.
yes, it happens a lot
Hit it with your head.
Should I put tape on a hurt wrist that I hurt falling down in a basketball game
A swan might die because it has gotten sick, hurt, abused... anything to hurt it MAY kill it.
if you have not gotten hurt in the rib area, there is no reason for a hurting breathing, and medical advise should be seeked.
You could hurt it by over working it. I hurt mine in Volleyball because i spiked the ball and landed to hard on it. Just Take it easy.
This is a ridiculous question.....Yes, if you've gotten hit by a couple tons of speeding steel, then yes its will hurt.