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Job died playing for Cameroon as he collapsed on te pitch

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Q: Is there any professional footballers that have died because of an injury from on pitch?
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Should soldiers get paid the wages of footballers?

Footballers should Not Get Paid More Then Soildiers Because All The Footballers Are Doin Is Runnning Round a Pitch And The Soilders Are Actually Risking There Lives So They Sould Get More Money For It !!

What do professional premier league footballers do in training?

They warm up , practice their skills like taking free kicks, and giving the goalkeeper practice.They spend six hours or more on the pitch practicing.

Why is aerobic endurance need for football players?

because footballers need to get up and down the pitch, and last the full 90 minutes, aswell as if there is extra time.

Why do footballers do circuit training?

Because during a match they are running around the pitch for a lot of the time, constantly moving. Towards the end of the game they get tired or suffer from cramp, so circuit training is important to help them last longer and improve their overall fitness.

Can a professional baseball re enter if he is pitch ran for?

No. Once a player is substitued for in professional baseball he may not re-enter the game.

What is a group of footballs called?

A group of footballers is a team off 11 men , who all go out on to a pitch to play football with the objective of scoring enough goals to win. They are called a football club...

What is the fewest pitches thrown in strike out?

1 Brad Lincoln came in to face Adam laroche on a 1-2 count because of an injury suffered to Erik bedard. Lincoln struck laroche out swinging on the first pitch

Should a physio ask before going on to the pitch to treat a rugby player?

Yes in case the player is faking their injury

Why do footballers need weight training?

Because during a match they are running around the pitch for a lot of the time, constantly moving. Towards the end of the game they get tired or suffer from cramp, so circuit training is important to help them last longer and improve their overall fitness.

How do you get subbed off in FIFA 11 on be a pro mode?

The only way you get took off the pitch is red card or serious injury

Why Vibrate and pitch are connected because why?

the more the vibration, the lower the pitch.

Has anyone ever broken their arm because of a baseball pitch?

Yes. Unfortunately, a fractured humerus bone is not all that uncommon when it comes to throwing a pitch. MLB pitchers who have suffered the injury include Dave Dravecky, Tom Browning, Bob Apodaca, John Smiley, Tony Saunders, and Jay Powell. Incredibly, Saunders suffered the injury twice ... the first time in 1999 against the Texas Rangers and the second time the following season during a minor league game while rehabbing.