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Protective helmet of players choice as long as it is up to school and/or NCAA standards, shoulder pads, protective cup, cleats, an mouthpiece. Thigh, tail, and knee pads are highly encouraged but not required.

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Q: What pads are required in college football?
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How much padding do football players have to have?

High school and college players are required to wear; helmet, mouth piece, shoulder pads, hip pads, a butt pad, thigh pads, knee pads, and clears. A lot of the time you'll see nfl players not using their knee pads and or thigh pads bc they aren't required

How many players on a D1 college football squad?

D1 schools are required to cut the roster at 85 players. Not all of theose players travel with the team. Even fewer actual dress in pads.

Do you have to have college experience to play arena football?

No - Ability is required.

What were the first pads in football?

I have read in a book that the first football pads were leather helmets and that was it. No other pads but leather helmets.

Can you wear volleyball knee pads in football?

NO,because football and vollyball are 2 difrent sports and they have diffrent pads than eachother vollyball has its own pads and football has its own pads. got it? ok

What gear do you need to play American football?

to play American football you need a helmet shoulder pads jock strap football pants with knee pads thigh pads hip pads and a tail pad

Are there pads for leg protection?

In soccer (football) there are shin guards which cover your shins, obviously. But there are no manditory leg pads. You could google FIFA laws of the game to see if you are allowed to wear other pads but you are not required. Hope this helps

What gear do you need to play football?

For Football and Australian football, you need boots, socks, shorts, shirt, shin pads, gloves for the goalkeeper,soap,shampoo and towel for a shower afterwards. For American Football you need a helmet, shoulder pads, thigh pads, knee pads, hip pads.

Football jersey tucked in pads?

Shoulder pads

How do you trade players in college football 2009?

You can't trade players in college football, Players can though transfer schools, but when they do they are required to take one year off.

Why does football require football pads?

To prevent any injury that a player could receive if there were no pads. Football is a hard contact sport.