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One is currently under development.

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Q: Is there a field hockey PC Game?
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Is there a field hockey game for PlayStation 2?

No. But there is one being developed for the PC. It may be distributed on to the PlayStation once its completed and popular.

What is the National winter sport of Pakistan?

Field hockey is the national winter game of Pakistan.

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field hockey

What is the national game of Pakistan?

Field Hockey

Which is national game of india?

Field Hockey is the national game of india.

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Field Hockey

Which game is associated with the name dhyanchand?

It is field hockey.

What game looks like field hockey?

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Did Eleanor Roosevelt play field hockey?

The game field hockey has been around for 3,ooo years. It was originaly invented by the cave men. so yes it is possible that Roosevelt could have played field hockey.

What kind of game does a hockey player play?

The game of hockey is a very popular sport. The game of hockey requires one to chase a puck around the field with a stick, scoring goals against the opposing team.

Which game is played for 35 minutes of 2 half?

Field Hockey

How much a field hockey official make per game?