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hell yer by a mile

No way, soccer has no bloody action or roughness towards it. They trip, dance, and cry like faries. Rugby League is a mans sport where players bleed, sweat and share tears for their team mates. The pay is very low in Rugby League, and the players are increasly increasing every year, this shows how much love is shared in the game. Soccer is all about the money.

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12y ago

yes by a mile and a half

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Q: Is rugby league better than soccer?
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Do australians like football more than rugby league?

Football meaning AFL or Soccer? Rugby League is more popular than soccer in Sydney also as well as AFL. Whole of Australia, AFL is most popular sport, and Rugby League is second and soccer is 4th just after cricket.

Is rugby league better than rugby union?

Much better than boring Union.

Is football better than rugby?

everyone have different awnsers Ill say rugby league or union is MUCH better than football (soccer). Soccer for me, is a game where it's basically all acting, if they want to dive everywhere on the field, go join a marital art or tap-dancing or something. Rugby players share blood,sweat and tears during every game. Rugby League players often play on the field with broken bones or jaws. Soccer, if they see a drop of blood, they start dancing off the field, bunch of girls.

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Anything is better than soccer AFL and NRL, you cant compare it to soccer.

Is their going to be a rugby league 2010?

Yes, rugby league 2010 comes out on ps2 next year feburary.And it's already out on PSP.Why rugby league? Why not rugby union? We all know union is better than league!

Is Rugby League better than NFL?

It's a matter of opinion, but YES!

Is a rugby league field bigger than a rugby union field?

Rugby Union is alot bigger everywhere. The only places they seem to play it is Australia and northern England. Rugby union is a much better sport anyway. Rugby Union is more popular than Rugby League because Rugby Union is much older than League. Rugby Union players get much more than League players and union is played in more places than league. I recon League is much better than union.

Is rugby league world cup edition better than rugby league 2 on playstation 2?

it is because you can play as more teams and now you can play as the titans so yes

Is ali alhasan good at soccer?

he is really good almost better than messi jk...... But he is in premiere league soccer for SDUNITED

What sport is more popular in Australia Rugy or Soccer?

In Australia, the most popular sports in terms of crowd attendance were Australian rules football, horse racing, rugby league, motorsports, cricket, rugby union, and soccer.So yes, you would say that rugby- although it is not the most popular sport in Australia, it is more popular than soccer.

Is rugby paying more than football?

The wages are increasing in rugby compared to soccer and American football

Soccer is better then hockey?

Yes RUGBY is alot better then hockey rugby is kool but its a opinion