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yes, and if you have a defensive pole it is even longer.

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Q: Is lacrosse involves catching a ball in a net at the end of a long stick?
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How do you play division 2 lacrosse?

With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball

What is the best way to get good at catching with both hands in lacrosse?

Play wall ball. Go on youtube and search lacrosse wall ball routine for the best wall ball workouts.

What does a legal girls lacrosse stick pocket look like?

Put the ball in your stick, make your stick eye level. & see if you can see some of the ball over the head of your lacrosse stick. Meaning, that the whole ball is not completely inside the whole stick. If it is inside the whole head of your stick, you need to tighten your netting.

What name is given to the implement used in the game of lacrosse to throw pass and catch the ball?

a lacrosse stick

What do you do when your lacrosse stick fly's away when you have the ball?

go pick it up?

What action do you use to keep the lacrosse ball in the stick?

u cradle it

How do you steal a ball from a lacrosse stick in girls lacrosse?

you check the head of the stick fast and quick to create a release of the ball and take it while it's in the air or ground. Be careful not to hit them though so no slashing. :)

What is the Regulation size of a lacrosse pocket?

in girls lacrosse you have to have your stick at eye leval and the ball has to be seen above the head

What is a ball stop in lacrosse?

ball stop in lacrosse is a piece of foam material that has an adhesive on one side that allows it to stick to the throat area of the lacrosse head. the ball stop allows players to catch passes and have the ball not bounce off of the bottom plastic.

What is the purpse of lacrosse?

The use the stick with net attached and throw the ball in the goal with it

Can you knock down a lacrosse ball with your hands?

no, you could use your stick, but lacrosse is a game where the ball is wanted above the ground at all times, so i wouldn't recommend that.

Why do you have to put your stick down in lacrosse?

At the start and after a goal of each lacrosse game, there is a faceoff. This is where 2 players put their sticks on the ground with the ball in the middle and fight for the ball