No, more people watch Football every year than go fishing. Fishing is a hobby while watching football is considered a necessity for some men out there.
To watch, clearly football. To play/do, still football.
2 billion people watch and play football but only about 3-4 million people go fishing and so football is more popular
More people actually participate in fishing than football.
Football,more teams with alot of players playing. most deffinatly football cuz fishing is boring and more dangersouse and annoying and smelly fish with deasies ... i think fishing is better coz it is cool and u can cook ur own dinner but i wouldent gut them :) baby_girl_evie Yeh But id Much rather watch and play football than havein to go fishing couse it stinks lol really bad as well it blows Melly bascklie it suckes baby_girl_evie Yeh my hair blows to it never stayes in place lol Mels
on my opinion i would say that fishing is more populour beacuse there are more people who have the ability to fish than football example people with 1 leg ... or old people what do you think they would prefere
i think that possibly football is more popular than fishing
They go watch a football maych on weekends because it is fun and exiting and you can support your favourite team in fishing you just sit there and only catch a fish if your lucky
Fishing is really boring on TV. Football is awesome!!!!!
According to the CountrySide Alliance Poll Fishing is more popular than football.
either football, that is American football or English football, both are more popular than tennis.
have you been to the world fishing cup? if so you will think fishing is better
Yes because most people can fish they just have to register to fish in some lakes. as well with football you have to become a professional to earn money to do that it takes blood and sweat and determination. unlike fishing