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To watch, clearly football.

To play/do, still football.

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Q: Which is more popular - fishing or football?
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Why is football more popular than fishing in the you?

i think that possibly football is more popular than fishing

Why is football more popular then fishing?

Fishing is really boring on TV. Football is awesome!!!!!

What is more popular fishing or football?

have you been to the world fishing cup? if so you will think fishing is better

What is more poplier football or fishing?

According to the CountrySide Alliance Poll Fishing is more popular than football.

Is football more popular then fishing?


Which one is the most popular football or fishing?

2 billion people watch and play football but only about 3-4 million people go fishing and so football is more popular

Is fishing or football the most particapating sport in the UK?

football is more watched than fishing

What is more popular in England football or fishing?

I think that football is more popular since most kids at school play football and there are alot of kids ion the uk.

Football more popular than fishing?

The answer to this question will vary depending upon where in the world you are geographically, and also upon what you mean by 'popular'. Football has more spectators, but more people regularly go fishing than actually play football, so which sport is most 'popular' could be answered correctly by quoting either football OR fishing: both answers would be correct, under different circumstances.

Do more people do football or fishing?

More people actually participate in fishing than football.

Is football more popular than fishing UK?

on my opinion i would say that fishing is more populour beacuse there are more people who have the ability to fish than football example people with 1 leg ... or old people what do you think they would prefere

Why is football the most popular sport in the UK?

Football is not the most popular sport in the UK, surprisingly it's fishing