It is impossible to travel when inbounding. While there are space restrictions for a throw-in, the thrower is not required to maintain a pivot foot or observe any of the other restrictions of the traveling rule.
An elderly person in a wheelchair could play basketball, although probably not very well. But nothing would prevent such a person from throwing a basketball at a hoop.
First of all, a basketball could be thrown far if the person throwing it was strong, while if a weak person throws it, it won't go as far. So as you can see, it depends on how muscular the person is.
The traveling violation occurs when person throws ball on the court and another player receives it and moves both feet without dribbling the ball.
Traveling is called when a person takes too many steps with the ball without bouncing it in basketball. It results in a turnover, giving the ball to the opposing team.
A basketball player is a person who plays basketball, especially professionally.
Find refuge within a Neo-Nazi camp. You will be safe from throwing garbage.
No. Throwing an object an hitting another person is battery. Throwing it and missing them would be considered assault.
just play with a basketball and youll be fine...cuz no sociiopath will like a person with a basketball