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a Baseball is smaller so to me it would be harder to hit and it comes at you at like 90 mph and its not underhand so it would be way harder

That's absolutely wrong. Softballs are bigger than the bat is so you have to get just the right angle on it when you hit it to get a solid hit. Baseballs however are smaller than the bat so when you hit it you have a 70% chance it will hit the ball at a good angle. Also baseballs are thrown down, but softballs are thrown level. it is a proven fact that it is easier to lower your bat than it is to raise it. As for the speed difference, baseball pitchers are 66.6 ft away (correct me if I'm wrong) softball pitchers are only 45 ft away. it has been tested that a 60 mph pitch in softball is equivalent to a 90mph pitch in baseball. so therefore hitting a softball is much harder.

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15y ago

No they are about the same. Except for the fact that the ball is bigger in softball and easier to hit but it won't go as far.

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13y ago

no i do not think basball is harder then softball.. it seems like both of them are hard it just depends on how you play the sport and how you should be doing it...

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13y ago

baseball is harder, because the ball is smaller. Witch makes it harder to hit the ball.

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Q: Is it harder to hit a baseball or a softball?
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Which is harder to hit baseball pitches or softball pitches?

WELL IF YOU WATCH SPORT SCIENCE THAN IT TELLS YOU THAT SOFTBALL IS HARDER THAN BASEBALL. JENNIE FINCH BROKE BULLET PROOF GLASS BUT THE BASEBALL JUST BOUNCED OFF THE GLASS. The softball is not harder than a baseball it may be bigger but the softball is not that hard! i play softball and i know that a softball is not harder than a baseball because i got hit with a softball and it didn't hurt as much as the baseball.....and the people who were pitching pitched the exact same speed! so there u have it a baseball IS HARDER than a softball!!!! Yes it is a fact that baseballs are harder than softballs because they are wound tighter. It may be a smaller ball but it is solid. softballs are rubber with string wrapped around it so they fly almost 200 ft less than a baseball will.

Is a sofball harder to hit than a baseball?

It said that a softball is harder to hit because of the force it comes in at is greater in the highest levels of softball then is baseball, also the underhand motion causes the ball to have an upward movement which is hard to master then the downward movement of a baseball.

Is it easier to hit a softball than to hit a baseball?

no, its harder one of my favorite softball quotes~ "If softball were so easy, we'd call it baseball" also its harder to hoit something with only .250 seconds to react then baseball with .375 seconds to react proving softball is harder and cheering is fun and nice sooo....

Is softball of baseball the harder sport to play?

softball is so much harder! baseball is such a wimpy spot for guys.. there pitching is just like throwing.. so yea softball is harder.. so all the guys out there who think baseball is harder DIE

Can a softball damage a baseball bat?

Softball bats are designed to hit softballs. Hitting a baseball with a softball bat may damage the bat. Either hit a softball or get a baseball bat if you do not want to risk damaging your bat.

What are the differences between a softball and a baseball?

a softball is larger, and most of the time harder. a baseball is used in mens baseball, as to a softball is used in womens. hope i helped,

What is the difference between Major League Baseball and major league softball?

A baseball is smaller and harder than a softball.

When you hit in softball does your wrist come first?

Yes so you can hit the ball harder

Why do boys say baseball is harder than saoftball?


What is softball used for?

Hi I play softball. It is used for playing the game. The pitcher uses it and the hitters hit it. The fielders field it. It was used so that girls can play baseball. Softball is much more difficult than Baseball. And the ball is no where near soft actually it is harder than a baseball. I hope i answered your question!

Is it safe to hit a softball with a baseball bat?

completely! a softball is less hard than a baseball but a baseball bat will not harm the softball in any way

Why do women play softball and not baseball?

it is a proven fact by jennie finch a USA olympic player that softball is harder to play than baseball.