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Yes. The act of squaring around to bunt the ball is considered identical to swinging. So in this case it would be considered identical to swinging and missing the ball.

The batter does not have to pull the bat back.Just simply holding the bat over the plate is not a strike.The batter must make an attempt at the ball, squaring to bunt and holding the bat completly still is not an attempt at the ball and therefore is not a strike

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A pitched ball that touches the ground is a live ball. If the batter swings and misses, it is a strike. If the batter swings and hits the ball, it is treated as any other hit ball.

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Q: Is it a strike if the batter does not pull the bat back trying to bunt?
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Batter squares to bunt and doesnt swing?

a bunt is not a swing unless the plain of the plate is broken ... and or the batter dose not pull back the bat when the pitch is made ...Answer:I understand this question asking, "What happens if a batter squares to bunt but pulls back on the pitch?" --- if this is the situation, then when the batter pulls back the bunt the pitch would be called a ball or strike just like any other pitch. If he does not pull the bat back before the ball crosses the plate then it is a strike, much like a missed swing

If a cather misses a third strike bunt can the batter advance to first?

The batter can make an attempt to reach first, but if the ball is fouled off by the batter, the batter is out (strike out).

What if attempting to bunt batter misses ball then ball hits batter can runners advance?

If a better puts out his bat for a bunt and does not pull it back, the pitch counts as a strike (as long as the ball does not hit the bat of course). It does not matter if the ball is in the strike zone or is 10 ft outside of it. Given that it is a strike, the runners do not advance, although they can attempt to steal.

When bunting can the batter show bunt then pull back and swing?

Yes, a batter can show bunt and then pull back and swing. It is fairly common.

When bunting in live baseball does the batter have to remove the bat from the strike zone t?

if the batter is in bunting position(with the bat over the plate) he needs to pull the bat back. Otherwise strike. And if he has 2 strikes and fouls off a bunt its considered strike three.

If you square to bunt and do not attrmpt to bunt it on a ball out of the strike zone is it considered a strike?


When can a batter not bunt?

A batter can bunt anytime ...whether it's wise to bunt is a different story.

If a hitter motions for a bunt and doesnt make contact and the pitch is a ball is the batter charged with a strike or ball?

if the batter doesnt pulll back the bat its considered a strike It depends If the bat passes the front of the plate then it is a strike If the bat stays behind the plate it is the ball It is determined the same way that a held swing is

If batter hit on hand while bunting does he walk?

If the batter is hit while still holding the bat across the plate attempting to bunt, then it is called a strike. But, if the batter pulls back the bat and gets hit by the pitch then he goes to first with a HBP.

What are the way a batter can get a strike called on her?

The ball passing through the strike zone. The batter making an attempt to hit the ball by swinging or making a bunt offer at the pitch. The ball striking the bat and not the player even if the batter made no attempt to hit the ball. The ball being hit by the batter into foul territory. The last way is seldom called but once a pitcher steps on the rubber and is ready to pitch the batter has 10 seconds to get in the batters box and be ready to hit if not a strike can be called.

If you swing and miss the ball but the ball hits you is it a strike or hit by a pitch?

If the batter does not swing at the ball and it hits him in the hand, it is not a strike and the player is able to walk to first base. If a batter is hit with a ball and the batter did nothing to place himself in front of the ball to make himself be hit, he is able to walk to first base.

What is a slash bunt?

A slash bunt is when the batter attemps to bunt the bat and while the ball comes back the batter swings instead of bunts and the main point of this is to hit it right by the foul line over the heads of the third and first basemen