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Pretty much if the pitcher does anything other than pitch the ball while his foot is on the rubber, it's a balk. He must always disengage before doing anything else.

With that rule aside, the rest of the questioned incident is balk-free. A pitcher is allowed to throw to any base, occupied or not, to stop a steal attempt.

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13y ago
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14y ago

If the pitcher throws directly from the rubber to the shortstop, it is a balk.

However, if the pitcher first steps back off the rubber, he can throw anywhere.

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13y ago

Yes, it is a balk if any defensive player positions himself in foul territory. This call is often missed by umpires so you may need to remind them of the rule and penalty.

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Q: Is it a balk if third baseman is holding a runner on in foul territory while pitcher throws to the plate?
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Can more than one fielder be positioned in foul territory in baseball?

They can but it would just be dumb. Actually, the first baseman cannot stand in foul territory. The only defensive player allowed to lineup not in fair territory is the catcher, who must take his position behind home plate in the "catcher's box", which is technically in four territory.

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If it is a force (i.e. there are people on all the bases behind the runner) play, then yes, the baseman needs to touch the base to get the runner out. If the runner is not required to move to that base, then the baseman must tag the runner to get him out. The baseman does not NEED to touch the base to record the out. The defense may tag the runner OR the bag.

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There is no such rule Official baseball rule book section 4.03: When the ball is put in play at the start of, or during a game, all fielders other than the catcher shall be on fair territory. However the N.A.P.B.L. Umpires Manual also states: Do not insist on the first baseman playing with both feet in fair territory unless the offensive team protest. Then enforce it equally for both teams.

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That depends on where the 1st baseman fields the ball. If the 1st baseman can field the ball, throw to second, and have enough time to get safely back to the base to catch the return throw, then (s)he will cover. If not, then it is the responsibility of the pitcher.

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For defense the first baseman has to catch flyballs and field grounders sent in their direction. The first baseman also has to catch throws from other fielders to touch first base or the runner for the out. When the batter is bunting, the first baseman is expected to cover the space between the pitcher's mound and first base. The first baseman covers the first base bag in case the runner on first wants to steal. The first baseman usually bats for their team, but they do the same batting things as every other player

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If the runner is in foul territory when the ball hits him, it is a foul ball. If it is a 2 strike bunt attempt, then the pitcher is credited with a strikeout. If the runner is in fair territory the credit would then go to the pitcher, who was the last fielder to touch the ball. My question, then, would be is it an assist or a putout? That answer I do not know.

How many errors were committed if there is a runner on 2nd base when the batter bunts to the pitcher but the throw deflects off the 1st base glove allowing the runner to score from 3rd?

The official scorer would have to determine if the throw was catchable. If the throw was, then the error would be on the first baseman and he would be charged as such. If on the other hand the throw was a bad one and the first baseman had to reach and could not catch the ball, then the error is on the pitcher. Only one error would be charged even though the base runner advanced two base and scored.

How do you rewrite he tags the runner out in imperative sentence?

When writing or "doing the official score book", when a runner is tagged out, the number designated by the field position (so pitcher would be 1, catcher would be 2, ect...) with the letter "U" would be the correct notation. So for instance if the 2nd baseman would to tag a runner going from 1st to 2nd base the notation would be 4U. Meaning second baseman unassisted.

Can you steal home bace?

yes. Last example I saw, Torii Hunter (LAA) 2009 Season. A steal of home is exciting, but rarely done in modern baseball. In contrast, Ty Cobb stole home 54 times! The classic or "pure" steal is where the runner steals with no help from the batter. For example, if the runner notices the pitcher is not holding him close and/or the 3rd baseman is way off the bag, the runner can get a walking lead or a large secondary lead and then take off as the pitcher is still winding up and then try to score. The element of surprise often makes this successful.

Is it a balk when the picture throws to first base without the first baseman in position i.e. straddling first base. During a recent game the ump ruled it a balk because 1st baseman was not in pos.?

Yes. If there is a runner at first base and the first baseman is not stationed at the base, should the pitcher throw the ball to the first baseman in a pickoff attempt there is no way the runner could be putout since the runner must be tagged to be putout on a pickoff attempt. There is no specific rule in the MLB rule book that covers calling a balk when a pitcher throws to first base in a pickoff attempt with the first baseman not stationed at the base. However ... Rule 8.02(c) states that a pitcher shall not "Intentionally delay the game by throwing the ball to players, other than the catcher, when the batter is in position, except in an attempt to retire a runner". The penalty for this is a warning for the first offense and ejection for any subsequent offense. And there is Rule 8.05(h) which states that a balk shall be called if "the pitcher unnecessarily delays the game". The pitcher attempted the pickoff, in all probability, not intentionally but due to miscommunication between him and the first baseman. Therefore, Rule 8.02(c) would not apply because the delay was not intentional but Rule 8.05(h) would apply because the delay was unnecessary.