No, goal shooting is my favorite because I love scoring goals for my team. But goal attack is up there because I also love the feeling when your the one that takes the ball off the other team asnd your the person that gets it up your end!
The goal attack is marked by the goal defence. Goal Shooter-Goal Keeper Goal Attack-Goal Defence Wing Attack-Wing Defence Centre-Centre
The goal attack is marked by the goal defence. Goal Shooter-Goal Keeper Goal Attack-Goal Defence Wing Attack-Wing Defence Centre-Centre
Positions Goal Keeper GK Goal Defence GD Wing Defence WD Centre C Wing Attack WA Goal Attack GA Goal Shooting GS The goal shooter and the Goal attack are the positions that can shoot
There are seven players on each team.They are theGoal Shooter (GS)Goal Attack (GA)Wing Attack (WA)Centre (C)Wing Defense (WD)Goal Defense (GD)Goal Keeper (GK)
Goal Attack, Goal Keep, Wing Attack, Wing Defence, Goal Shoot, Goal Defence, Centre.
Attack postions: Wing Attack Goal Attack Goal Shooter Defence Postions: Wing Defence Goal Defence Goal Keeper Other: Centre - Is attack and defence really :P
the wing attack and goal attack can. not the goal shooter...
5th from the sun.
No, only the Goal Shooter and Goal Attack can score goals.
the are 7. goal attack. goal shoot. goal defence. goal keep. wing attack. wing defence. centre
Goal Shooter: Scores most of the goals. Goal Attack: Bring the ball into attacking third and score goals. Wing Attack: Bring the ball into the attacking third. Centre: Attack and defend the ball through the whole court except the goal circle. Wing Defence: Defend the Wing Attack. Goal Defence: Defend the Goal Attack. Goal Keeper: Defend the Goal Shooter.
GS Goal Shooter, GK Goal Keeper, GA Goal Attack, GD Goal Defence, WA Wing Attack, WD Wing Defence, C Centre.