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sure. u can get dropped and get very hurt. i have seen it happen and have been hurt a few times as well

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Q: Is dangerous to be a flyer in cheer stunts?
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Different roles in cheer leading?

There are at least three different roles in cheer leading including coaching. Another role in cheer leading is being the head cheerleader who calls out the cheer.

What cheer stunts are legal in Illinois?

Every stunts should be legal in Illinois.

Is being a flyer in cheerleading good or bad?

Being anything in cheerleading is a good thing. You are privileged to be doing cheer as a sport because it takes a lot of hard work and determination to be anything in cheer. Being a flyer, everything is put on you to make all the stunts look really pretty by keeping a tight shape and locking out your knees and arms. Being a flyer you don't have to do a lot of the work just the icing on the top. Without the flyer there would be no stunt.

How do you be a cheer flyer in elementary?

Be small. ?

What are dual stunts?

First off they are called partner stunting, and it is when a person throws a flyer into the air high enough to catch the flyer at their feet equaling a partner stunt.

Is it harder to learn football cheerleading stunts than basketball cheerleading stunts?

If you ask me, the stunts are both the same. No matter what you cheer for, you have the same stunts, tumbling.

When was Our Most Dangerous Stunts created?

Our Most Dangerous Stunts was created on 2006-06-13.

What do you nee to make a cheerleading routine?

Cheerleading has 5 parts, Cheer, jumps, dance, stunts, and tumbling. All star cheer does not have a cheer.

You cheer 2 game do they do stunts?

yes they do i am on a high school cheerleading squad and we do stunts for football games all the time!

What is the average weight for a flyer?

There is no particular height that a flyer should be in order to fly in a stunt. The most important thing that a flyer needs is skill. A flyer should not be afraid to go up in stunts, they should be tight and have good balance. Without these, it is very diffucult to have good stunt. Although there is no exact height to be a flyer, they are typically short and very light.

Why should you eat before doing stunts in cheer?

they shouldn't they get fatter

What are words for cheer-leading?

pompoms routines stunts counting to 8