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Soccer - legs are main body parts. 11 players on the pitch. Grass. use head. more popular. 90 minutes per game. Basketball - arms are main body parts. 5 players on the court. Wooden floors. 48 minutes per game.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

one has a hoops .the other has touchdowns or in other country a goal
In Europe, "football" is what Americans call "soccer". European football is played on a large grass field and you move the ball by kicking it. You score by kicking the ball through a vertical goal that is guarded by a goalie. Basketball is played on a wooden court and you must bounce the ball while moving it. You score by throwing the ball into a small round goal that is suspended horizonally above the floor in front of a backboard.
It 's a different shape, basketball s a sphere and a football is a a thinner sphere

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In basketball you use a larger ball, a court, a backboard, a net, and you play in 2 teams.

In Golf you use a much smaller ball, a course, golf clubs, a hole in the grass, and its every man for themselves.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

golf is harder

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βˆ™ 13y ago



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Yes definitely, you get to maneuver the ball at your pace and use your own strategies. I would definitely recommend Basketball over Golf. Llama

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Do You need the Sam amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you need to throw a golf ball 3 meters?

No you do not need the same amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you would need to throw a golf ball 3 meters. The amount of force required to throw a basketball 3 meters depends on several factors: The weight of the ball: Basketballs are much heavier than golf balls. The size of the ball: Basketballs are much larger than golf balls. The amount of air resistance: Basketballs are much more aerodynamic than golf balls.Therefore you would need to generate more force to throw a basketball 3 meters than you would to throw a golf ball 3 meters.

Which is harder soccer or golf?

Sorry that's more of an opinion

If you have 92 and opponent has 86 you lose?

it should be basketball, because only basketball can average that kind of score.

Which sports are more popular in America than in other countries?

football, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf

How many golf balls can you fit in a basketball?

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