Yes it is a one piece. The thing that makes it what it is, is the carbon inserts in the handle
Exogrid 2 or the z-1000
the white exo is and has been the best exo that tpx has made so far. i have used all of them and i currently have the white one. it has much more pop than any of the other exo grids. that's the only difference.
I have an exo grid and a Triton the exo grid has more pop but the Triton has a bigger sweet spot so u wont pop out as much with the Triton
exogrid has more pop and is overall stronger, weighed better, and looks better its amazing its the best buy it although try both out if you like the h2 better get it both rule butt exo more
the exogrid is better for contact but the cf3 is better for power
The tpx exogird because it has way more pop.
There really is no "better" bat. However many players feel strongly about both. Many players will tell you that stiff bats, like the Exogrid are the way to go. Some will tell you the flexible bats like the Stealth are better because they give you more of a whip or trampoline effect when you hit the ball. I sort of think that the stiff bats are probably a little bit better because I'd personally rather swing something stiff than flimsy. That's just me. There are a couple of websites below where you can learn more. One goes really deep into the physics of stiff vs. flexible bats. The other one is my website of articles of bat technology.
Yes. According to Rule 1.10(a): "The bat shall be a smooth, round stick not more than 2 3/4 inches in diameter at the thickest part and not more than 42 inches in length. The bat shall be one piece of solid wood."
All of the Exogrid models are awesome. Most of them are similar with good pop, and last for a while. the 2010 models are arguable with some of the first ones. But this is your decision because lots of people like the other models compared to these.
No. It's a two piece bat. And its also composite, and I would defiantly recommend it to anyone who is serious about baseball. Hope this helps!
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