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Q: Is a lacrosse ball similar to a handball?
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Related questions

How are basketball handball and volleyball alike?

the all have to do with a ball . volleyball and handball are similar because you are hitting the ball. Basketball and volleyball are the same because you have to make a goal. baketball in the hoop volleyball over the net

What is the German word for handball?

The German word for handball is Handball.

What racket game which does not use a ball?

Squash. Others include tennis and racquetball, but the ball is not as small as in squash and is not black. Tabletennis uses a very small bat and ball also. (Also Handball uses a similar ball and similar court to squash, but is hit with a gloved hand)

Which ball will bounce higher lacrosse ball or tennis ball?

lacrosse ball

Is a ball used in lacrosse?

yes in lacrosse there is a ball used

How do you handball a football?

If the ball is kicked at you and you touch the ball with your hand aor elbow upwards that is classed as a handball. :)

What is a ball alley?

A ball alley is a term used in Ireland for a location in which handball can be played, which can take the form of a four-walled court similar to a squash court.

How is soccer and handball similar?

Goalball and soccer are similar in that they are both played with a ball, a rectangular playing area, and goals. That's about it.

How do you play division 2 lacrosse?

With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball

Who started hand ball in san Diego?

Hand ball has been around for hundreds of years. Henry the 8th had a handball court and the ancient Celts had a game that was similar. In most places today handball courts are put in by the city in recreational areas and no particular person is responsible.

Is a lacrosse ball bigger than a cricket ball?

No, a cricket ball is much larger than a golf ball.

List 4 sports that use similar skills needed in netball?

Corf ball... basketball... handball... American football (Grid iron)