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no they are not

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Q: Is a coach allowed to talk to the umpires during a game of netball?
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What can we give your netball coach as a present?

you could give a netball uniform

Most famous netball coach?

the new zealand coach

What is fast-netball?

Fast-netball is actually referred to as Fast-Net. This is a faster and simpler version of the original game. The coach can call off a player and switch postions during the game instead of during breaks. This type of netball came about in around 2007.

Is there an age limit netball for?

yes when you are 50 you will need to quit netball or you can be a coach

How would you implement Instant Replay in Major League Baseball if it was implemented?

I would have a system similar to cricket, or rugby league or other sports with qualified umpires working as video umpires or refs. Umpires could call for assistance on close calls. You could also have teams being allowed a certain number of challenges at the discretion at the coach.

Can a netball coach be ejected from a game?


How many people can be on the field of a fast pitch game?

9 players can be on the field during a fast pitch game. There are also two base coaches that are allowed in their respective base coach's boxes in the foul territory down the first and third baselines. There can also be 2 or 3 umpires on the field during play.

Can a coach give water to a player on court in netball during the game?

No, because that would be considered a foul, beacuse only players can be on the court .

What would the coach do in netball?

the coach would watch out for footwork, contact, off side and stuff like that.

Who's responsibility is to select a netball team Coach or Captain?

The coach is responsible for selecting the team and choosing the captain.

In netball what is a coach for?

They are just like any other coach for a team..... they work through skills gamesetc with the players.........

What is nice guy coach in netball?

gets on well with all players!!