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MLB Rule 6.06a states pretty clearly: "A batter is out for illegal action when (a) He hits a ball with one or both feet on the ground entirely outside the batter’s box."

The question would be whether the batter's feet are "entirely" outside the batters box. I suppose if his toes were touching home plate but the rest of his feet were not, then that would not be "entirely" outside.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

If the batter's entire foot is outside of the batter's box when he makes contact with the pitch, the ball is dead and the batter is Out, whether the ball is hit Fair or Foul.

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Q: Is a batter out when hitting the ball foul with a foot touching home plate?
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If the ball hits home plate and then the batter hits it is it a fair ball?

I believe, since home plate is in fair territory, the ball would be fair and the batter would be called out for making contact with a live, fair ball. The equivelent to runner interference with the ball on the base paths. ---------- The question is unclear. If a pitched ball hits home plate, it can then be hit by the batter (former Astros player, Enos Cabell, comes to mind). However, if the batter hits the pitch, and the ball then hits the plate and bounces up into the air, and the batter then hits it a second time, he's out. The rule says if the bat hits a batted ball a second time, the batter is out, which is different the the ball hitting the bat a second time.

In rounders what happens if you step out of the batting box on a no ball are you out?

If a batter hits a ball fair or foul while either foot is touching the ground completely outside the lines of the batter's box or while touching the plate. The ball becomes dead immediately. The batter is out.

If the ball hits home plate then hits batter are you out?

If the ground ball is foul, you are not out. If the ground ball is fair, you are out unless you are touching your base (however, if you are touching your base and in the umpire's judgment you intentionally interfered, you are out). Rule 7.08(f) states: Any runner is out when "he is touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder. The ball is dead and no runner may score, nor runners advance, except runners forced to advance. EXCEPTION: If a runner is touching his base when touched by an Infield Fly, he is not out, although the batter is out."

If pitch hits ground in fastpitch baseball then hits the batter does he go to first?

A pitched ball can hit the ground before crossing home-plate. In most cases the batter would not swing and the pitch would be called a ball. But, if the batter decides the swing, the ball is still in play after hitting the ground and the batter may not hit the ball and receive a strike, or he may foul the ball, or hit a base-hit.

The Pitcher throws towards home plate. the ball bounces in the dirt before home plate and it hits the batter is it a dead ball or hit batter?

It is a dead ball and the batter is awarded first base and is ruled a hit by pitch

Ball hit under outfielders legs a hit?

If a batter gets a base hit to the outfield that would normally be a single but the ball goes through the legs of an outfielder and the batter winds up on third base, the play would be scored as a single and an error on the outfielder. Depends on the determination of the "official scorer". If the ball goes under the outfielder's legs and, in the official scorer's opinion, it could have been fielded with ordinary effort, and the batter or runners advance an additional base or bases, it would be an error allowing the runners, and/or hitter to advance. If, however, the ball goes under the outfielder's legs and, in the scorers opinion, could not have been fielded by ordinary effort, an error is not necessarily scored on the play.

Name some characteristics of a baseball?

There are many characteristics in baseball. The main characteristics are pitching the ball to the batter and then the batter running after hitting the ball.

If a player is walked is the ball considered a dead ball?

If a batted ball hits a base runner in fair territory before the ball has been touched by a defensive player or an umpire, the ball is dead, the runner is called out for interference, the batter is awarded first base, and all other runners advance one base if forced. If, however, the ball has been touched by a defensive player or an umpire before hitting the base runner, the ball is live and play proceeds as usual (unless the runner is judged by the umpire to have deliberately made contact with the ball, then the runner can be called out for interference, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first base, and all other runners advance one base if forced, or, if flagrant, the batter can also be called out and no runners advance).

How does a batter get 3 RBIs without hitting a fair ball?

Fielder knocks the ball in fair territory

When a batter is hitting foul after foul after foul. Is the batter doing this on purpose to work the pitcher?

A Baseball player hitting foul after foul is done more so to stay alive (not strike out) then to work the pitcher ... You have to keep in mind that the batter him self is using up energy to hit the ball foul ... The batter would rather get a hit then repetitively hitting the ball foul ...

When a pitcher is intentionally walking a batter can the batter step over the plate to make contact with the ball?

No, if a batter steps out of the batters box and makes contact with the ball, he is out.