A chunk, or people may say you caught it fat, or if it bounces off the ground then the club hits the ball it is known as a drop kick.
Basically a stroke is where a genuine movement is made towards the golf ball. Once you address the ball and make a swing, this counts as a stroke, even if you miss it.
A stroke.
Whiff is to miss the ball entirely on a stroke. : (
a golf ball obviously...
you hit it with a golf club on the ground or on a peg
Have you seen a golf swing? The idea is to hit the ball with the swing, that is the only way to play the game.
I'm not exactly sure but I think it can be cause if a rock the size of a basketball (a meteor) is falling through the atmosphere it burns up before hitting the ground so i think a golf ball will.
Lose a stroke
Points in golf are scored by how many times you hit the ball from to tee until it is in the hole. Each time you hit the ball, you get one stroke. 1 stroke equals 1 point.
The golf ball.
Yes. From the Rules, available at www.usga.org: "A "stroke'' is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing voluntarily before the clubhead reaches the ball he has not made a stroke" So if you intended to hit the ball, it's a stroke.Personally, I don't like that rule. I don't think it should count if the ball doesn't move. But I don't make 'em up, I just tell 'em.Answer by FutureLPGAgolferYes, it counts as a stroke if you swing and the ball doesn't move.
Air resistance.