April 26, 2009. Yes Koufax is still alive. He was a fellow guest at a wedding I was at last night in Boston. He had a good looking date and he was dancing and seemed to have a good time. As of July 8, 2007, Sandy Koufax was still very much alive. In recent years he has been a special consultant for the Dodger pitching staff.
Yes, Sandy Koufax is still alive. He is 77 years old.
Mr. Koufax is still alive and well.
He is still alive
According to answers.com he is still alive as of 12-30-2009, his 74th birthday.
According to answers.com he is still alive as of 12-30-2009, his 74th birthday.
According to answers.com he is still alive as of 12-30-2009, his 74th birthday.
He's still alive. He was Born December 30, 1935 and is aged 75 years.
Sandy Koufax is 6' 2".
Sandy Koufax is 6' 2".
Sandy Koufax was born on December 30, 1935.
Sandy Koufax was born on December 30, 1935.
Sandy Koufax was born on December 30, 1935.