no, he died april 4th, 1963...
As of 9/2013, Shirley Ann Sanders is still amongst the living.
She is still alive. She is 70 years old and will turn 71 on February 27, 2013!
Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron (current Prime Minister)
In November 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs estimated that approximately 1,462,809 American veterans from this war were still living 670 die every day so as of Nov 2013 =1,218,259 surviving.
how is sandy brooks garth ex wife doing as of today 10/24/2013
how is sandy brooks garth ex wife doing as of today 10/24/2013
yes she is, she is still alive in 2012
Yes, but he was divorced and remaried. wife 1: was Anne Widmark (divorced) wife 2: Kim...dont know last name.
As of May 2012, Carter is still alive.
As of December 30, 2013, Richard Clayderman is still alive.
Leonardo DiCaprio is still alive. He's perfectly healthy and is still working?
No Skrillex is still alive.
Most likely people will still be alive