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yes he is one of the best

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Q: Is LeBron James a good sports leader?
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Is Lebron James a good leader?

yes he is one of the best

Should LeBron James play football?

Lebron james should play football he is definetly good enough

Who is better Kobe Bryant or lebron James or Michael Jordan?

Kobe Bryant, duh ya and Michael Jordan man but im with u Kobe Bryant all the way GO LAKERS!! and if you pay more close attention by the next three years LeBron James will be just as good as Kobe on the court but as a leader throughout the nba lebron James is better than Kobe at that

What is lebron James son name?

Oh, dude, LeBron James' son's name is LeBron James Jr. Yeah, they really got creative with that one. Like, why mess with a good thing, right? Just slap a Jr. on there and call it a day.

Is there a store that would buy lebron james basketball card?

probably a sports shop or if its rare a pawn shop also ebay is always a good choice

How does LeBron James get paid?

He plays good basketball.

Why do people hate LeBron James?

Lebron betrayed the Cavaliers and the Cleveland fans by going to the Miami Heat the only reason he went there is because he wanted to win. Now Cleveland has no good sports teams. That is why they hate King James. There is also the fact that Cleveland, like so many cities, is suffering financially, and Lebron James was a big tourist draw and ticket seller.

Is LeBron James good enough for a NBA legend?

Yes he is.

Who is as good as Michael Jordan?

Kobe Bryant, LeBron James.

Is lebron James as good as Michael Jordan?

Can't be answered.

Is LeBron James a good 3- point shooter?

Lebron James is an average 3 point shooter. He is like many NBA players in that when he gets on a roll he will not miss. Lebron James has improved his 3 point shooting at critical times.

Where is leborn James right now?

lebron James is in clevland Ohio and plays for the cavielers one thing lebron might be good but he is no way neir Kobe