The real question in: how long do have have to hold the ball to be calleda ball hog.
ball hog
Kobe Bryant is just a big ball hog! but he is very good though Carmelo sees no teammates only the rim when the ball is in his possession
Absolutely not!! Kobe is an overrated ball hog.
Jordan x 432312432513 ...Kobe is an overrated ball hog.
Kobe Bryant likes to play basket ball
Play bask ball
Kobe's father played in the NBA. Have you ever heard about Joe "jellybean" Bryant? research him and you'll know the answer.
hell yeah!!! Kobe is the best b-ball player since mj
Kobe Bryant's name is Kobe Bryant.
he went overseas
Kobe Bryant does not suck! Kobe Bryant is VERY GOOD.
No. Dez Bryant and Kobe Bryant are not related. However Dez is a huge fan of Kobe.