its unlikely but it is a possibility he will more than likely either stay at Liverpool or go to Chelsea
Yes, Fernando Torres is a Catholic Man.
he is a man
No. Fernando Torres is a 27 year old man with a wife and two kids
no he is staying at Liverpool
YES HE WILL:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l:l
Don't be offensive to torres, he is the 3rd best player in the world, which means he is obviously a MAN!
Extremely. Possibly the most handsome man in the world.
The people who hate him are not Liverpool or Spain fans, because he is one of the greatest players in the Premiership. And maybe some Liverpool fans don't like him because he is always injured. On the other hand he may be going to Man City this summer in which case Liverpool fans will detest him.
Yes Manchester city are in the market for the 3 Liverpool stars. Roborts suggest Rober Mancini the newly crowned coach of the machester team is keeping a key eye on events in Liverpool. With Mascahrano destined to play for Barcelona, Steven Gerrard unlickly to leave his child hood club Fernando Torres remains the lickly candidate to join Manchester City. However not many clubs can afford the spanish super striker and Liverpool would not allow him to leave cheeply.
The four footballers from Liverpool to score against Manchester united, are Steven Gerrard, Dossena, Fernando Torres
As of September 2011, he just moved to Chelsea FC and will be staying for a while.
yes man city are going to win tonight