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Actual meaning of volley is bullet , arrow of other missiles throw at u.. so while serving the ball is released in a manner a bullet of arrow or missile is thrown at u.... hence the name VOLLEY...

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

VOLLEY BALL means the action of keeping the ball in play

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Its When The Ball Stays In Play For A Long Period Of Time.

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What is an adverb for volley?

There is no adverb form. The verb has the participle adjectives volleying and volleyed, but neither has an adverb form.

What are the violations in volleyball?

one violation in volleyball is hitting the net while volleying with the other team

How did volleyball get it name?

Alfred Halstead, a newspaper reporter, noticed the volleying nature of the game and called it "volley ball." It was originally known as "mintonette." Volley ball was eventually shortened to volleyball. because the object of the sport is to volley the ball over the net Volleyball got its name from when you volley the ball and that the shape of the ball is a sphere.

Who gave the name volley by who?

Willam Morgan a P.E. director at Y.M.C.A. in 1895 was demonstrating the game when a spectator said it included a lot of "volleying" therefore it was renamed Volleyball

What does volleying mean in soccer?

It means kicking the ball while its in the air - in front of you or to the side of you.

What is mintonette?

the original name for volleyball.

How old was William g Morgan when he invented volleyball?

William Morgan invented volleyball in 1895 at the Holyoke, Massachusetts, YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) where he served as Director of Physical Education. Morgan originally called his new game of Volleyball, Mintonette. The name Volleyball came about after a demonstration game of the sport, when a spectator commented that the game involved much "volleying" and game was renamed Volleyball. from the site

Where and who invented Volleyball?

In Holyoke, Mass. By William G. Morgan in 1895! He combined the basics of Baseball, Tennis, Basketball, and Handball. He then got a tennis net and raised it 6 feet 6 inches just above a mans head. It was originally called "mintonette" but then a man from Morgans family said they were "Volleying" the ball back and forth... Then they changed it to Volleyball!

Why it is called volleyball?

VOLLEYBALL comes from the word VOLLEY which means to bump or hit and a ball is a round hard/soft object.VOLLEY+BALL=VOLLEYBALL. VOLLEYBALL+ME= my life.

What is FIVB?

FIVB means Fédération Internationale deVolleyball in Portuguese and in English it means International Federation of Volleyball.

How old is the game volleyball?

In 1995, volleyball was 100 years old, so volleyball was created 1895! That means it is 115 years old.

Why is volleyball called volleyball?

Volley means to keep something off the ground. In volleyball the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. So essentially volleyball "keep the ball off the ground". I hope this helped. :)