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William Morgan invented volleyball in 1895 at the Holyoke, Massachusetts, YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) where he served as Director of Physical Education. Morgan originally called his new game of Volleyball, Mintonette. The name Volleyball came about after a demonstration game of the sport, when a spectator commented that the game involved much "volleying" and game was renamed Volleyball.

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He was 25 when he invented it, but it was originally called "Mintonette".

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He invented the vollleyball in 1885

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Q: How old was William g Morgan when he invented volleyball?
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Volleyball, at first called mintonette, was invented in 1895 by William Morgan, a phys ed director for the YMCA. Click on the 'History of Volleyball' link on this page to read more about the origins and history of the game.

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How old is volley ball?

It was invented in 1895 by a YMCA teacher, William G Morgan, in Massachusetts, USA. With the same intention as basketball invented there a llittle earlier, he aspired a spectacular, physically demanding, non-violent team sport for the indoor sport season. He was also inspired by handball, baseball and tennis. Initially it was called Mintonette, but renamed Volleyball in 1896. It has spawned many varieties, like Beach Volleyball from California, USA and Footvolley from Brazil, especially for outdoor playing. Kidsvolley and Volley 2000, are modern adaptations to young players, allowing a ground bounce, very popular in Northern Europe. In the Netherlands "sitting volleyball" was created for disabled persons. The modern Volleyball rules have evolved around the world, especially in 1900-1930, with the number of players, spiking and scoring. The first American championship was held in New York in 1922, with 27 teams. The US Volleyball Association (now USA Volleyball) was established in 1928. Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB), was founded in 1947, and the first World Championships were held in 1949, in Praha, Chechoslovakia. The Association of Volleyball Professionals(AVP) was founded in 1983. It is an Olympic sport since 1964 and now also in Paralympics. Beach Volleyball also is the Olympics since 1996. Faustball has many similarities with volleyball, and was known in Europe already in the 16th century.

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