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Yes, there is a distinct advantage to the kicking team if the kickoff is not returned and placed at the 20 yard line.

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Q: In the NFL do kickers on kickoffs try to kick the ball into the endzone for a touchback?
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What happens if a player with the football gets tackled in his own end zone?

If the ball goes into the endzone due to an offensive player or action (taking the snap into the endzone, running it back into the endzone, etc...), then the play results in a safety. If the ball goes into the endzone due to a defensive player, such as a kick (once the ball is kicked, the kicking team is considered 'giving up' the ball, and is therefore a defense), then the play results in a touchback to the 20 yard line (25 on kickoffs in the NCAA).

What happens when a muffed punt goes into the endzone?

The receiving team can run it out or down it in the end zone for a touchback; if nobody on the receiving team touches the ball, that's also a touchback and the receiving team gets the ball first and ten on their own 20 yard line.

If a defensive player intercepts a ball at his own one yard line then fumbles out the back of his endzone is this a safety or a touchback?

If a player fumbled the ball into and out of bounds in his own endzone after making a pass interception on his 1 yard line, it is an automatic safety.The impetus is on the player who fumbled.

If the returner of a kickoff touches the ball on the 1 yard line then bobbles the ball and it goes into and out of the endzone who's ball is it and where is it placed?

It is a fumble when the ball is bobbled and a touchback when it goes out of the endzone. It is placed on the twenty yard line.

Why is a fumble that gos backward out of the inzone for the offense a safety and not a touchbach?

If you put the ball into your own endzone by backward pass or by carrying it there if the ball becomes dead in the endzone it is either a safety if you have possession at the end of the play or a touchdown if the oponent has possession at the end of the play. A ball that goes out of bounds is in possession of the last team to have possession in bounds so a ball going out of bounds in that case is a safety. Likewise a ball fumbled that goes out of bounds behind the goal line is a touchback because the team put the ball in the oponents endzone. If you put the ball in the oponents endzone it is either a touchback if he has possession or a touchdown if you have possession in the end zone at the end of the play. A kick remains a kick until it is possessed or is dead. That is why a ball touched by the receivers that then goes in the endzone where it is downed by the receivers is a touchback. It was the kick that put the ball in the opponents endzone.

Did the safety and the touchback positions in football have opposite definitions at one time?

Safety and Touchback are not "positions", they are the results of a play, and they do have opposite definitions at this time. A Safety is scored when the offense is tackled in the endzone and awards the defense two points, and the ball. A touchback is declared when the defense takes possesion of the ball (by interception, fumble recovery, punt, or kickoff) in their own endzone and elects not to try to return the ball upfield. A touchback awards the ball to the receiving team at their own 20 yard line. Own in football describes the side of the field the team is defending. You score points in the opponents endzone.

What is a touch - back?

when a team recovers a ball from their opponent in their own endzone, the team has the option to take the ball out and attempt to advance it or stay in the endzone resulting in an automatic advancement to the 20yd line. This happens commonly on kickoffs, interceptions and fumble recoveries.

Intercepted in the end zone and then spike it?

If a ball is intercepted in the defended endzone (the endzone the defense is trying to , it is considered a touchback and the ball will be brought out the to twenty yard line, just like a kickoff that is fielded in the endzone. If the intercepting player spikes the ball, he might get called for a penalty, but only if he is, in the eyes of the official, celebrating excessively. If the ball is intercepted by the defense in the opponents endzone it would be a touch down.

Why are college kickers able to kick the football out of the endzone while pro kickers have trouble kicking to the 10 yard line?

AnswerYes there is the five yard difference, but the NFL ball also weighs more.AnswerThe guy who left this answer before I completely reconstructed it was an idiot. There is a 5 yard difference between pro and college, and the ball weighs more. But, most college kickers kick it to the middle of the endzone. Most pro kickers kick it to the goal line consistently. I have no idea where you're gtting this 10 yard line stuff from. So it really evens out.

Is it a safety in flag football if runner runs out of end zone on kick off and is deflagged before he leaves the end zone?

In high school, once the ball crosses the goal line plane, it is a touchback. In NCAA, once the ball is possessed in the endzone, it is a touchback. This is only really a question for the NFL. I am not an NFL rules expert (the rules are not public and will only be really known by NFL officials and division 1 officials trying to get in), but I'd assume it would most likely be a touchback, since it is K/defense that is the force that puts the ball in the endzone. Maybe if you give me a specific scenario, I can give you a better answer?

Offence has football but gets the ball knocked out its hands at goal line and ball rolls out of end zone who gets the ball?

If it's out of their own endzone it is a safety (2 points for the defense & a free kick to the defense from the offenses 20-yard line).If it's through the defenses endzone it is a touchback & the defense takes possession on their own 20-yard line.

After missing a long field goal attempt in the NFL what would be outcome if the player catching the ball took a knee in the endzone instead of attempting a runback?

It would be considered a touchback and the ball would be placed at the 20 yard line.