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Q: In netball What determines a players position on the court or where a player may move?
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What is it called when a player goes in an area they aren't allowed in in netball?

It depends if you are playing proper netball or nettaball (younger players netball). In netball it is offside.

Why is it important for different players to have different roles?

It is important that each player has a different position in netball is because if each player has the same role, it wont allow them to go into seaperat areas of the netball caourt. You also cant try and score a point in netball because you have to be in the goal ring (semicircle). Hope it helped :)

How many player are there on a netball team?

There are 7 players on a netball team; C, WA, GA, GS, WD, GD, GK Hope that helps:)

What was the extra places in netball team when there where 9 players?

Normally subsitute players incase a player gets injured or too tired.

Who is a famous newzealand player netball?

Current famous NZ Netball Players are: Casey Williams, Irene Van Dyk, Laura Langman and Maria Tuataia. NZ Netball greats, (in my opinion) are: Julie Seymour, Sandra Edge, Bernice Mene

When would a player in netball take an advantage?

When the netball player wants to

What does short pass mean in netball?

There has to be enough room between the players hand throwing the ball and the player catching for a third person to fit, if there isn't this is referred to as a 'short pass'.

When a player is tackled is the ball marked where his knee goes down or the position of the ball?

The position of the ball determines the spot.

How many team player on a netball team?

There are 7 players on each team.

How do you teach a netball player how to read the play in a game?

You have to tell them what every players job is and what their job is. That makes a game really smooth.

How are football and netball similar?

In football and netball players have specific roles to play on the court or field (forward, Midfiel, defence or or in netball the goal Scorers - GA, GS the centre court players: WA, C and WA and the defence: GK and GD). Players have a specific position when the game is started or restarted. Players in both sports are coached to pass the ball in front the player so the player can run onto the ball and players are taught to receive and pass in one smooth, fast motion.

Who are the main players in the netball game?

Every player is important in different ways. If you took any player out of your team it would be very difficult to win. Hope I helped :)