The pitchers plate must be 46 feet from home plate in Minor and Major leagues and 60 ft 6 inches in Junior or Senior league
9 to 12 years old little league regulation is 46 feet mound to plate
The minor league uses the same distances as the MLB. So the pitchers mound is exactly 60ft 6" away from homeplate
the mound is 60 feet away from the plate
Both Major League Baseball and their Minor League Teams (A, AA, AAA) play on fields of the same dimensions. So it is 60' 6" from the front of the pitcher's plate to the back tip of home plate.
In MLB, the pitchers mound to the rear point of home plate is sixty feet, six inches (18.4m). In Little League baseball, the mound is 46 feet away, while on Pony fields the distance is 54 feet.The Major League pitchers' rubber is 60 feet 6 inches away from home plate. It all depends on how long a pitcher's stride is to determine how far the pitcher will actually throw from.Tim Lincecum is one of the shortest pitchers in the MLB and has one of the longest strides. Ironic.
It's 60 feet 6 inches away from home plate. The original baseball field designers wanted it to be 60 feet but when the "landscapers" were reading the diagram drawn up it read 60 ' 0" and they read the 0 to be a 6 by mistake.
For squirts the distance to the mound is 35 feet. For Peewee's the distance is 38 feet.
it depends on what grade you are in. at my grade level, which is 7th and 8th, it is forty feet away, i think.Softball mound from home plate depends on how old you are. 10u is 35ft, 12u and 14u is 40ft. The rest is 43ft in high school, collage, 16u, and so on.
The only part of the field that is "regulation" is the actual infield itself. The bases, home plate, batter's boxes, and pitcher's mound are always in the same location and the same dimensions depending on which league the field is made for. Some infields are designed with grass, some are all dirt, and some are all grass with dirt base paths, pitcher's mound (and sometimes pitching path). There is no regulation as to how far away the grass has to be from the foul line.
Home Plate DistanceA child playing Little Leauge is can be at one of two levels at age 13. If the child is playing with children 13 and younger , then the mound is 46 feet away. If the child is playing with children that are 13 and older, then the mound is 60 feet and 6 inches. Take care Charles Wrong. There is seniors, which is several feet less than regulation. Also, in middle school, the distance is not quite regulation either. It starts in highschool, usually age 14.
From homeplate to the pitchers mound is 40ft.
The pitcher's mound is 40 feet away from home plate in most competition levels. Younger levels are closer. At 18U Gold level and at the collegiate level the pitcher's mound is 43 feet away from home plate.