I think you just answered your own question..... you said legally, so no time.
Attempted murder carries the same penalty as murder.
No, unless it was self defense.
Technically it is an opinion but legally it is wrong.
Every human being on the planet. However you automatically voluntarily abandon that right to life if you commit a serious crime that requires a death penalty or if you attempt to take someone else's life (hence why the police can legally kill you).
They used to kill each other in Lacrosse back then
You can - but morally you shouldn't - and legally you could lose your licence or worse KILL someone !
no, you dont die with the death penalty
Penalty Kill. During a penalty one team is on the power play (PP) and the other on the penalty kill (PK)
No, you cant shoot someone if they attack you only if the way you defend yourself is equal to the power that someone attacked you then it is ok when the attaker dies becasue of your defence.
A penalty kill is when a team receives a penalty and has to play with a one to two man disadvantage. The penalty kill is over when the oposing team scores or the time received expires.
A power play is when the opposing team has a penalty. a penalty is when you have a penalty and are trying to kill it off.