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The term is two words, free throw.

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Q: In basketball is the word free throw one word or two?
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Related questions

How many points are awarded for a free throw in basketball?

One point for each successfully made free throw.

The throw in basketball that is worth one point if it goes in the basket is?

Foul shot.

What shot in basketball in worth 1 point?

A foul shot equals one point.

How many points is a shot form the free throw line in basketball?


How many points are free throws worth in basketball?

A free throw is only worth one point.Free throw is a term used in basketball, not baseball. In Basketball, it is worth a total of one pointThanks for using!

What is a different name for the free throw line in basketball?

Ususaly it's called a box, or a square, but freethow area really has to be the best one.

What is a freethrow in basketball?

A free throw is a shot that a player gets to take if he or she has just been fouled by the opposing team. A free throw is shot from the 3 pt line. It counts as 1 point. During a free throw no one can touch the ball as it is shot.

11 P on a FT?

"One Point on a Free Throw" (in basketball).

How many shots for a technical foul in a high school basketball game?

You get 2 free throws in college and 1 free throw in the NBA.

Is passing off the backboard in basketball illegal?

It is not illegal to throw it off the backboard, provided that the ball hits the rim at some point. Any time a player does not hit the rim during a free throw attempt (whether it is inadvertent or not) he forfeits his free throw attempt, even if he has one or more free throws forthcoming.

Where is a foul taken from in basketball?

When you get a foul, you either go to the sidelines and throw the ball in to your team mates or you go behind the free throw line and you get to shoot either one or two shots without anybody guarding you.

Hoop to free through line?

Although measurements on a basketball court can vary according to the league and level of play, one distance is the same for all. The distance from the free throw line to the basket is 15 feet.