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I don't think you can but maybe there is a cheat..

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Q: In Mario slam basketball how do you change a color basketball?
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How do you unlock every player in Mario slam basketball?

how to unlock new players in Mario slam basketball

Change COLOUR of character on Mario slam basketball?

Press a direction on the key pad while putting a charecter in the hoop

How do you delete a profile on Mario slam basketball?

You cant sorry

How do you unlock characters in Mario slam basketball?

You have to get Gold or Silver trophys

In Mario Slam Basketball how do you unlock Moogle?

To unlock Moogle you have to get the silver trophy in the easiest form of the star cup

In which sport can you slam dunk a basket?

You would do a slam dunk in basketball.

How do you get a gold cup in Mario slam basketball?

Answer: You beat bouser or you chuck from full court at the buzzer and use turtle. But if you do if wrong then You get a silver or bronze):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Do slam dunk contests follow the traditional rules of basketball?

no..because it is only a slam dunk..not a basketball game..

Is the character in slam static or dynamic?

The character in slam is dynamic. Throughout the story, he undergoes personal growth and change as he navigates the challenges he faces on and off the basketball court.

In Which sport might you do slam dunk?

You would do a slam dunk in basketball.

In which sport do players slam dunk?

The slam dunk is done in basketball. It is where a player slams a ball through the basketball hoop (thus, a slam dunk). No other sport has this.

When was SLAM Magazine created?

SLAM Magazine was created in 1994. It is a basketball magazine known for its coverage of basketball culture, players, and events.