Answer: You beat bouser or you chuck from full court at the buzzer and use turtle. But if you do if wrong then You get a silver or bronze):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
To unlock Moogle you have to get the silver trophy in the easiest form of the star cup
You have to get Gold in Shell Cup and Banana Cup to get it.
get the gold cup in 50cc lighting cup.
Win a grand prix
get gold in 150cc lighting cup
Win every match by 200 points or more.
Win gold in the Leaf Cup on 100cc
To unlock Honey Queen, get a gold trophy in 150cc Banana cup. To unlock Wigger, get a gold trophy in 150cc Leaf Cup.
You cannot unlock Waluigi as a playable character, or for anything, in Super Mario 64 DS.
Well on the Wii you have to get a gold cup in every course thingy then you will get it.
Star cup: get trophies on mushroom cup and flower cup Special cup: get a trophy on star cup Leaf cup:Get trophies on shell cup and banana cup lightning cup: Get a trophy on leaf cup and they don't have to be gold